TV Production
TV production for the web, the production of live and secondary programs, the production of TV spots, promotional programs for enterprises and organizations, the TV coverage of events, the coverage of special issues
Radio Production
Radio production for the web, the production of both newscast and entertaining programs, the production of radio spots, promo for enterprises and organizations, programs of local interest, academic collaborations etc.
Field Recording
The research towards utilizing new technologies for field recording of sound and image (e.g., panoramic, drone cluster, 3D) and the associated reproduction of this material in properly configured rooms or conditions with applications in the field of cultural heritage, education and science
Archival Material
The development of modern methods and systems for the highlighting of archival material related to the field of culture with an emphasis on local and regional cultural wealth (e.g., The Ionian Music Archive, The Digital Museum of Audiovisual Ecology, e.t.c.)
Digital Processing of Multimedia
Research in the field of digital processing of multimedia signals and signals defined on graphs, utilizing tools based upon (convex) optimization, signal processing, data analysis and machine learning

Mission and objective
The laboratory covers the teaching and research departmental needs in the areas of modern digital media and the influence and interaction technologies. It studies the impact of the media and the associated technologies on humans, in an individual, group, and social level, and also their utilization in the management of cultural heritage and in education.

The laboratory has been structured spatially as two separate spaces: (a) a radio production room that includes a radio booth, a production room as well as a newsroom (common for both uses) and (b) a television production room that includes a control room and set, with all required equipment as well as the necessary storage facilities. The lab is equipped with all the necessary equipment for radio and television production, to make the students accustomed to a real-world workspace.

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